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天声人语 20110927 椭圆政治

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天声人语 20110927 椭圆政治

  VOX POPULI: Guilty verdicts like a head blow for Ozawa
    Last fall, Lower House member Tomohiro Ishikawa met his boss, former Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa, for the first time in nine months since being arrested on suspicion of falsifying the financial reports of Ozawas fund management organization. According to a book written by Ishikawa, he took a deep breath in front of the thick iron gate to Ozawas home before entering it. Ozawa, clad in a "chanchanko" (padded sleeveless jacket), met Ishikawa in his living room and simply greeted him by raising his right hand and saying, "Oh."
  In "a tense atmosphere that brought back fond memories," Ishikawa said he felt he was surrounded by iron barriers. He told his boss, "I am determined to win my acquittal." Ozawa remained expressionless. When Ishikawa was about to leave, Ozawa told him, "We both have no choice but to do our best at our trials." Apparently, Ozawa was more concerned about his own mandatory indictment.
  To Ozawa, the trial of his three former secretaries, including Ishikawa, is part of his political struggle against the prosecutors. The Tokyo District Court found all of those former secretaries guilty. Even though it is a ruling by a lower court, it is as damaging as having been struck three times with a sword in the middle of his forehead. There is no way he can simply say, "Oh," and turn the other way.
  Ozawa hires a large number of secretaries. He surrounds himself with them to make himself unapproachable. It is as if they are a stone wall with a deep moat. As Ishikawa stammered in court, the movements of hundreds of millions of yen of Ozawas political funds lack transparency. Construction companies supplied off-the-book funds fearing the Ozawa offices "voice from heaven." The ruling cut deep into those collusive relationships.
  Next week, Ozawa will be attending the first hearing of his own trial. Regardless of what doing "his best" requires, I want him to give clear answers to the many questions he dodged in the Diet. This is no longer an age in which politicians can show their might by remaining quiet and expressionless. Such an attitude cannot win the understanding of the people.
  Ozawa wields his power within the ruling party separately from the prime ministerial hierarchy. There is no way an "oval administration" with two focal points can roll smoothly in this time of crisis. Ozawa should retire from the front line for now, although it seems unlikely that any of his aides will be able to get him to say "Oh" and agree.
   --The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 27

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天声人语 20110927 椭圆政治